I am an independent School Improvement Consultant based in the West Midlands. My work in schools has been commended by headteachers, HMI and Ofsted.

My 30 years in education are wide and varied – teacher, senior leader and LA School Improvement Consultant. I have a wealth of experience and a rich knowledge in whole-school improvement. I provide individual schools or groups of schools with bespoke advice, support and training. This could be to help prepare for Ofsted, or to plan a way forward in response to Ofsted or HMI reports or analysis of internal data and trends. Working alongside staff, leaders and governors, I enable them to be reflective and skilled practitioners. I offer a range of school improvement services with a specialism in mathematics, a selection of CPD courses and run the highly successful Maths Championship. I run in-school intervention and booster groups.

Please feel free to contact me to discuss any aspect of my work or to arrange an initial visit to your school to discuss how I can support you.