I am an independent School Improvement Consultant based in the West Midlands. My work in schools has been commended by headteachers, HMI and Ofsted.

My 30 years in education are wide and varied – teacher, senior leader and LA School Improvement Consultant. I have a wealth of experience and a rich knowledge in whole-school improvement. I provide individual schools or groups of schools with bespoke advice, support and training.Working alongside staff, leaders and governors, I enable them to be reflective and skilled practitioners.

I offer a range of school improvement services with a specialism in mathematics, a selection of CPD courses and run the highly successful annual West Midlands Maths Championship. I am an NCETM Local Leader in Mathematics Education and hold the Professional Developement Lead Accreditation. I am cohort lead on Mastery Readiness, SKTM TA Primary and Intensive Support.

Please feel free to contact me to discuss any aspect of my work or to arrange an initial visit to your school to discuss how I can support you.