I have 30 years’ experience in education. I have a strong and well-respected record in providing high-quality advice and professional support to raise standards and improve the quality of teaching. Prior to becoming a School Improvement Consultant, I taught and worked at senior level across a range of primary schools, each serving a very different, diverse and demographic community.
In my role as LA School Improvement Consultant, I was responsible for the development of mathematical subject knowledge and pedagogy. The maths progression documentation I developed has been recommended by Ofsted and used in many schools across the country.
I worked in partnership with identified schools for the purpose of strengthening leadership, improving teaching, learning and assessment, and ensuring that improvement activity led to swift and sustainable improvement. For almost two years, I was seconded as acting deputy head to a school in ‘serious weaknesses’. This was on a part-time basis to develop leadership, bring sustainable and rapid change to the quality of teaching and learning across the whole school, and to improve the progress and attainment of all pupils.
I devise, organise and deliver the annual Maths Championship. This is open to all West Midlands schools. This competition is held for two age categories – Years 3 and 4, and Years 5 and 6. It is held in high regard with participating schools, as well as the sponsors and businesses which support it, both locally and nationally.
I work with the NCETM Central Hub as a Local Leader in Mathematics Education and hold the Professional Developement Lead Accreditation. I am cohort lead on Mastery Readiness, Subject KTM TA Primary and Intensive Support.
I was also NQT Lead Officer and Anti-Bullying Lead for the LA. I was responsible for the NQT Appropriate Body work and devised a comprehensive, multi-agency CPD programme. I set up a multi-agency, anti-bullying working party and devised an accreditation for which schools could apply. I secured funding for the Diana Award to train Anti-Bullying Ambassadors in all schools – primary, secondary and special. Over 80% of schools took part and, as this whole LA initiative was unique for the Diana Award, my work is being used as a national case study.
I undertook safeguarding, section 175 and whole-school audits and reviews. Schools used these in HMI and Ofsted visits. Recommendations made have helped ensure that schools comply with up-to-date legislation and guidance.
In addition to LA work I have, for the past 20 years, run a Gifted and Talented Maths club for 120 pupils. I have worked as a KS2 Maths SATs marker for 25 years.
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